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The “Meeting Place”: a place for sharing and learning

Riksteatern involved an existing group created in Spring 2022 to identify and evaluate existing inhouse knowledge and experience, the “Meeting Place for Learning - Equality and Diversity” group.

Testing different methods for collecting learning examples, creating and experimenting with workshop formats, participating in knowledge-raising lectures and study visits, watching performing arts, and producing films, texts, and podcasts these were the various stages in this journey towards new knowledge. A second 6-month phase led members to work individually or in smaller groups on defined activities with an on-going dialogue with Anusha Tyson, the group coordinator.

The group organized for the Riksteatern’s team two knowledge-raising lectures about accessibility and about gender. It produced several audiovisual or text-based objects as supports to share practical knowledge and learning examples:

  • 9 Glimpses from Riksteatern podcasts
  • 3 documentary films
  • 13 Stories of the Week in text form
  • 4 Show and Tell stories in text form
  • 19 newsletters developing environmental analysis on the theme of equality and diversity.

What’s next?

A network for equality and diversity open to anyone wishing to join was launched in April 2024. The network will be the place to share tips, conduct environmental analysis, and collect suggestions...  A new training programme to increase knowledge and understanding on how to recruit a wide range of skills and how to create a sustainable work environment to grow and keep these skills will be proposed to RT’s managers in June 2024, while a reflection will be developed around children’s perspectives on equality and diversity issues.

To Watch!

A learning example on how a local theatre association is working to reach new audiences in the city of Hofors (about 7,400 inhabitants).